The Salzburg confectioner, Paul Fürst, created the now world famous Salzburger Mozartkugel in the year 1890. He was awarded a gold medal for his product, which had already become famous, at the Paris Exihibition of 1905.
目前分類:...EU購物 (2)
- Sep 06 Tue 2016 09:44
【行-EU】奧地利_莫札特巧克力 Original Morzartkugel
- Aug 17 Wed 2016 16:50
【行-EU】維也納_Rimowa 購入
目前歐元下跌,站長這次利用到歐洲旅行,順路在最後一站維也納 買了 Rimowa 四輪29吋行李箱回台,並將用了10多年的 Samsonite 兩輪30吋行李箱除役。以下是經驗分享:一般遊客都會到維也納舊城區「霍夫堡」「聖史蒂芬教堂」參觀,附近便有兩家賣 Rimowa 的百貨公司及專賣店,僅隔ㄧ條街。